In the Factoring daily activity, the constant payment conciliation of the debtors and the clients is a source of valuable information. The DDA, identifies the debtors with good payment practices as well as the best areas of activity to be developed.


DDA (Dynamic Debtor Assessment in Factoring) identifies good potential customers on the basis of their payment behavior.


The DDA Analyses dynamically the factor “universe” in relation to payment bahavior:

  • Visualization of the relations between clients and debtors.
  • Classification of the debtors according to the best/worst fulfilment of the payment obligations.
  • Categorisation of economy sectors, with good or bad fulfilment of the payment obligations.
  • The program´s use of information, wich is directly associated with the client´s solvency, enriches the decision-making process.
  • Handling BigData in benefit of your company.




Selection of the critical data with the direct conciliation with FEM-Factoring Expert Matching:

  • Dynamic evaluation of the risk calculation of the debtor, aggregated risk involving client and the sector classification profitability based on the activity code.
  • Calculation of the payment profile of the client/debtor, “overdue amount”, non payment ratio and the “overdue period”.


Identification Of the risk calculation of the debtor:

  • Graphic visualisation of the factor “universe” divides clients and their relations with debtors into indentified communities.


It brings “Business value” about unknown areas of the factor “Universe” the debtors:

  • Identification of the economic activity areas with high profitability.


 Regeneration of patterns of bahavior

Option of forecasting patterns of future behavior


Architecture and Technological Environment

  • Multi-entity management.
  • Mult-user support.
  • Compatible with various operating systems: Windows, Linux, UNIX.
  • Based on J2EE standard
  • Requires the Tomcat Application Server and support for Java 14.
  • Requires an Oracle database server.
  • Acces via Web Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or equivalent.
  • Supports the capture of transfer and invoice files in various formats (including Standard 43 of the AEB or other equivalent international Standards).
  • Requires FEM Module and its data inputs plus Codes of Economic Activity of clients and debtors.

Headquarters Spain

 C/Ganduxer 74-78

08021 – Barcelona – Spain

Office Phone: +34 93 461 4126

Mobile Phone: +34 609 128 509

Mail: info@tech4fin.com


Germany Partners
